“I killed my dad”… The mother behind her middle school son continues her appeal 

This incident, in which a mother and son conspired to brutally murder the head of a family, was initially known to have been committed solely by son A. At the time of the first police investigation, Mr. A claimed that “his father’s domestic violence was severe, and on the day of the incident, he accidentally killed his father while trying to stop him from hitting his mother.” Afterwards, the police applied for an arrest warrant for Mr. A, but it was rejected. After a reinvestigation, it was revealed that Mr. B also participated in the crime, and the mother and son were all arrested.

The National Institute of Forensic Science conducted an autopsy on the victim’s body and found that the lungs were damaged and the skull was caved in. Sleeping pills and a small amount of poison were also detected in the body.

It was revealed that Mr. B dragged Mr. A into the crime the day before the crime by saying, “Your father ignores me too much.”

A’s mother B and father C got married in 2005. The couple had two sons, but they often quarreled due to their poor financial situation. Mr. B had a speech impediment. Every time his wife fought, Ms. B felt that ‘my husband was insulting and belittling me,’ and her anger grew more and more. The conflict between the couple reached its peak when her husband, Mr. C, ran a dealership and failed in business.

On the night of September 18 last year, Ms. B threw a soju bottle at her husband, Mr. C, during a fight between the couple at their home in an apartment complex in Jung-gu, Daejeon. The left side of Mr. C’s head was torn. Two days later, on the night of the 20th, the couple argued again. Mr. B said that Mr. C was drunk and said “ ×× like × . ” When she verbally abused her by saying, “Thank you for living with me,” her husband stabbed her in the eye with a syringe while she was sleeping.

In response, Mr. C threatened his wife, saying, “I will report it to the police,” and Mr. B decided to kill her out of fear and hostility.

Mr. A always hated his father. Mr. C said that when the couple fought, she often used abusive language, such as calling her two sons “pig XX .” Mr. C, who was separated from his family while running a dealership in Asan, South Chungcheong Province, sent a text message to his wife and son saying, “I want to see my two sons,” and wrote in a notebook, “Whenever I have a hard time, I gain strength again when I see my wife and children.” It was difficult for young A to fully understand what was going on. The police believed that Mr. A may have been hurt by his father, who verbally abused him when drunk, and that his feelings of hatred may have built up.

On the day of the crime, Mr. A told his younger brother (14 years old at the time), who was one year younger than him, “Don’t come home today.” It is said that Mr. A took special care of his younger brother, who had been diagnosed with intellectual disability in the past. My younger brother had been in the PC room since noon that day, and when he returned home early the next day, he did not notice what had happened. My younger brother is staying at a shelter after the incident.

Last April, the Daejeon District Court Criminal Division 12 (Presiding Judge Na Sang-hoon), the first trial court, sentenced A, who was indicted on charges of parricide, destruction of a corpse, and abandonment of a corpse, to 15 years to 7 years in the short term. In the case of juvenile offenders under the age of 19, they are sentenced to indeterminate sentences, which are divided into long-term and short-term sentences with upper and lower limits. Mr. B, the mother of Mr. A, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The court said, “Boys are immature and can easily be polluted by their surroundings,” and added, “Boys often fought in front of their parents, so they tried to stop them every time, but the parents’ conflict continued. “Group A once suffered from alopecia areata due to extreme stress.”

He continued, “Mother B is largely responsible for Mr. A’s crime. Nevertheless, Mr. A tried to shoulder the crime alone,” he said. “Mr. B took advantage of the fact that her son followed her more even though he was at an age where he did not have the ability to judge, and dragged him into the crime. The son escaped extreme stress and accepted Jai. “It is judged that it is.”

In the judgment written based on statements made during the police and prosecution investigation and trial, Mr. A said, “I think I helped her mother because I didn’t want her mother and father fighting. “He committed the crime because he thought things would get better once his dad was gone메이저사이트,” he said.

The court said, “Group A was conscientious enough to attend school perfectly in middle school despite his disadvantaged family background. In his life record, he said, ‘He enjoyed helping others. It is recorded that he had a good heart and had many friends who felt comfortable,” he said. “During the trial, Mr. A apologized to his grandparents and aunt and submitted several statements of reflection saying he would reflect and live faithfully for the rest of his life. He ruled, “Once you become an adult, there is the possibility and hope of edification to shake off the past and live a new life.”

On the other hand, regarding the mother B, the court said, “Ms B’s actions were cruel and heinous. “She ended up turning her son into a murderer,” he said. “Mr. B insisted that her deceased husband, Mr. C, was drunk and made harsh remarks, but she committed domestic violence even though there was no objective data. “I wonder if she truly regrets her crime,” he said, sentencing her to life imprisonment.

Ms. B submitted over 100 reflections to the court and in her final statement at the decision trial before the first trial, she said, “I apologize to my in-laws. “I had to bear the misfortune of my family alone, and I am sorry for causing pain to my son,” he said.

Mr. C’s elderly mother sobbed, “No matter how many times I think about it, I still don’t know why my son had to die. My blood boils when I see my daughter-in-law who turned her child into a murderer and tries to reduce his sentence by repeatedly expressing regret.”

Person A gave up his appeal and the first trial sentence was confirmed. However, Mr. B appealed, and on August 18, Daejeon High Court Criminal Division 1 (Chief Judge Song Seok-bong) said, “He tried to kill the victim before by putting herbicides in his food, but failed, but he did not give up and committed the crime. He sentenced Mr. B to life imprisonment, the same as in the first trial, saying, “I encouraged my son, who was only 15 years old, to commit a crime.”

When Mr. B received life imprisonment in the second trial, he submitted an appeal to the Daejeon High Court on August 22.

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