Samsung and SK Hynix avoided the ‘worst case’ scenario at their Chinese factories… “Application of the latest process is not possible”

As the U.S. government decided to allow the supply of American semiconductor equipment to Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix’s Chinese factories without separate permission procedures or deadlines, some of the biggest risk, uncertainty in operating Chinese factories, was resolved . The worst-case scenario was avoided for the two companies, which had even considered selling equipment from their Chinese factories or moving them to a third country.

In particular, it is also a positive factor that the introduction of equipment from the United States, the world’s largest semiconductor equipment country, is now possible, and the efficiency enhancement and upgrade of existing factories are partially permitted. However, the semiconductor먹튀검증 process restrictions previously set by the United States are still maintained, and it is still impossible to bring in equipment used in cutting-edge processes, such as extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) exposure equipment. There is also no change in the annual investment amount cap from the existing policy.

Samsung and Hynix, which had contemplated withdrawing from China, sigh over business normalization
On the 9th, while Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix have not yet released an official position, senior officials from both companies unanimously responded to this decision, saying, “A major risk in China’s semiconductor production line has been resolved.” In particular, it is expected that this agreement, which was decided based on mutual trust between the U.S. and Korean governments, will have a positive impact on future business direction.

According to the President’s Office on this day, the U.S. administration announced its intention to designate Samsung Electronics and Hynix’s semiconductor factories in China as ‘verified end users’ ( VEUs ) through export control authorities and the National Security Council ( NSC ) economic and security dialogue channel. announced to the side. VEU is a type of comprehensive licensing method that allows export of designated items only to companies that have been approved in advance. Once included in the VEU , there is no need to obtain a separate permit for each case, so the application of US export controls is effectively suspended indefinitely. According to this policy, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix will be able to establish long-term investment and operation plans for their Chinese production lines. SK Hynix has a DRAM plant in Wuxi, a NAND flash plant in Dalian, and a packaging plant in Chongqing. Samsung Electronics produces 40% of all NAND flashes at its Xi’an factory, and SK

Hynix makes 40% of its total DRAM and 20% of its NAND in Wuxi and Dalian, China. Previously, in October last year, the U.S. Department of Commerce controlled the export of DRAM of 18 nanometers (nm, 1 billionth of a meter) or less, NAND flash of 128 layers or more, and logic semiconductor technology and production equipment to the public under 14 nanometers, and imposed a one-year grace period on

Korea . has been taken. The problem is that it was unclear whether the temporary moratorium could be continued in the future.

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