Auckland fans stand up with “I can’t stand it anymore”, ‘Day of Action’ is coming

Major League (MLB) Oakland fans take a collective action. I plan to speak out against the owner, who shows no affection for the team and has practically neglected it. In this case, dissatisfaction is usually expressed through ‘plays without spectators’, but Auckland fans are the opposite. The plan is to fill the stadium as much as possible and put pressure on it. It’s called a ‘reverse boycott’.메이저사이트

Oakland, founded in 1901, is a prestigious MLB team. With 9 World Series championships, it is next to the New York Yankees (27 times) and St. Louis (11 times). However, owner John Fisher was stingy with the investment. Auckland’s home ground is notorious for being one of the worst facilities in the league. Recently, a broadcasting crew burst into anger saying that there was a stench of rat excrement in the broadcasting booth. Recently, Fisher is preparing to move the club to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Oakland fans oppose the ointment move. Fisher insists that it is best to sell the club. Fans set the 13th (local time) as a ‘day of action’ when they play a home game against Tampa Bay. We tried to encourage as many spectators as possible. We plan to distribute green T-shirts symbolizing Auckland to 7,000 spectators on a first-come, first-served basis. The word ‘SELL’ was written on the T-shirt. Longtime Auckland fan Stu Clary announced the plan on social media in April. It raised $35,000 from various places.

Don Piper, who has been supporting Oakland since the early 2000s, told the Associated Press, “You shouldn’t underestimate Oakland fans. We are incredibly loyal and passionate fans. We will fight to the end to keep the team in Auckland. There is no giving up,” he said.

Oakland has the worst record so far with an 18-50 win rate of 0.265. However, recently, the atmosphere is changing little by little with a 6-game winning streak. On the 12th, he even beat Tampa Bay, the league’s highest win rate (0.696).

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