Daejeon teacher’s impact on Save the Children… Movement to cancel sponsorship

Save the Children, an international children’s rights온라인바카라 organization, is being criticized by the public regarding Mr. A, a Daejeon elementary school teacher who committed suicide due to malicious complaints from parents.

In 2019, when Mr. A took over as the first grade homeroom teacher. A problem arose because four students disobeyed Mr. A’s instructions and continued to harass fellow students.

Regarding Mr. A’s response, one of these four students reported Mr. A to the police for child abuse.

Save the Children investigated Mr. A’s case as a child protection agency. And in February of the following year, he decided it was ’emotional abuse’ and filed a complaint with the police.

The police and prosecutors continued their investigation with reference to this opinion, and Mr. A was eventually cleared of charges by the prosecutors.

Mr. A reported a case of violation of teaching rights to the elementary school teachers’ union last July and criticized Save the Children, saying, “The child abuse investigation agency had no knowledge of the educational field and did not try to understand it.”

Since Mr. A’s death, many posts have been posted on social media and communities from general supporters who are considering canceling their support of Save the Children.

The Daejeon Teachers’ Union also reported that the number of teachers canceling their support to Save the Children is increasing.

However, there are many cautious opinions calling for listening closely to the opinions of Save the Children and related organizations before deciding whether to terminate sponsorship.

In relation to this, Save the Children said, “We are preparing to take a stance.”

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