“Disrespectful to Korean 英” Why Klinsmann, a leading player in soccer, was dismissed

“Coach Klinsmann, who is rude to Korean soccer, will be replaced.”

USA Today reported on the 15th (Korea Standard Time), “The Korea Football Association will replace Klinsmann,” adding, “Coach Klinsmann could not find not only leadership but also tactical abilities. In addition, he lost the trust of Korean soccer fans by clearly refusing to live in Korea and conducting video conferences in the United States.”

“Eight members of the Korea Football Association (KFA) have agreed to let Klinsmann step down. Only the final decision of Chung Mong-kyu, chairman of the Korea Football Association, remains,” he said.

The Korea Football Association held the first national team power reinforcement committee in 2024 at the Shinmun-ro Football Center in Seoul on the 15th and concluded that it is desirable to replace Klinsmann, holding him responsible for the decline in the national soccer team’s competitiveness revealed during the Asian Cup 꽁머니.

“We discussed the Asian Cup process, results and preparations for the North-China World Cup from a neutral standpoint, including the coach’s future,” said Hwang Ji-soo, head of the Korea Football Association’s technical division, who held a press conference shortly after the power reinforcement committee. “We decided that it would be difficult for Klinsmann to demonstrate leadership as a national team coach anymore. We will report to the association after gathering opinions on the need for replacement.”

“In the case of the Asian Cup, the team lacked tactical preparations for the match against Jordan in the semifinals,” said Hwang Bo-ho, head of the team’s headquarters. He failed to find new faces and failed to control team atmosphere and internal conflicts in terms of team management. “As a leader, I was lacking in that I had to present discipline and standards to my team,” he said. “Some said there was also a problem with my working attitude, such as the fact that I stayed in Korea too few days,” he said. “Some said it was difficult for me to recover as I repeatedly broke the promise I made at the time of my inauguration (I will stay in Korea for a long time).”

Although the final approval process for Chung Mong-kyu, president of the Korea Football Association, remains, the replacement of the head coach has become an irreversible trend as the reinforcement committee, the administrative body of the national team coach, agreed to dismiss him.

Klinsmann, who replaced Paulo Bento as the national team’s head coach after the Qatar World Cup finals, will be relieved of his baton after a year without completing his three-and-a-half-year term.

Meanwhile, the Guardian saw the decisive factor in Klinsmann’s replacement as a “disrespectful” attitude toward Korean soccer.

“After the Asian Cup semi-final against Jordan, Korean soccer fans and even some politicians voiced their opinion that the coach should be fired,” the Guardian said. “In a bad economic situation, Klinsmann had a strange smile. While working in LA, Klinsmann completely refused to stay in Korea. He was criticized for being rude.”

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