Fukushima nuclear power plant designer also said, “Discharge of contaminated water, it will take more than 100 years”

All Japanese nuclear experts, including the designer of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, all agreed that the release of contaminated water is not an issue that will end within decades as the Japanese government planned.

On the 26th, CBS No Cut News reporters met Dr. Masashi Goto and Masako Sawai in turn in Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Masashi Goto joined Toshiba in 1989 and was in charge of designing containment containers for nuclear power plants. In particular, he participated in the design of the Fukushima nuclear power plant as well as the Hamaoka nuclear power plant. Dr. Goto said, “I was so shocked by the Fukushima accident when I was about two years after I retired,” he said, and he began actively promoting the dangers of nuclear power.

‘Don’t bother the sea anymore! Citizens’ Association activist Masako Sawai is a researcher who has specialized in nuclear waste disposal issues. After retiring from research at the Nuclear Data Information Office in the past, she is focusing on activities to prevent the discharge of contaminated water in a civic group.

Japan plans to decommission the Fukushima nuclear power plant by 2051 after discharging all contaminated water over the next 30 years.

However, both experts pointed out that the release of contaminated water is not going to end in a short period of time.

Dr. Goto said, “It is technically certain that the decommissioning work must be done for more than 100 years,” and “It is unrealistic to say that the decommissioning plan for the nuclear power plant that had the accident is 30 or 40 years.”

“The Japanese government and the Japanese government say that the discharge of contaminated water will restore the site of the Fukushima power plant to its original condition for the revival of Fukushima, but that is simply impossible,” he said. “Hundreds of tons of melted nuclear fuel remains have already accumulated. Even in this case, the nuclear fuel remains were not touched, so they were shielded with a sarcophagus,” he warned.

He said, “Japan is going to take out this wreckage by releasing contaminated water,” he said. “There is no need to take risks just for the revival of Fukushima.

Mr. Sawai also said, “Tokyo Electric Power says it will end the discharge of polluted water within 30-40 years, but it absolutely can’t do that.” It is a business that will take more than 100 years.”

They fundamentally agreed that ‘discharge to the sea’ was not the correct answer in the treatment of contaminated water. Dr. Goto said, “It is a wrong direction to discharge contaminated water without finding another alternative,” he said. can be prevented,” he said.

“If you choose an alternative, such as mixing the contaminated water with concrete to make it solid or storing it in a large tank, there is no need to discharge the contaminated water,” he said.

Mr. Sawai also said, “Radioactivity does not decrease no matter how diluted it is. It just moves.” “The government talks about safety while talking only about the concentration of tritium, but as other nuclides in the contaminated water that have not been filtered by ALPS spread토토사이트, time passes . After a while, the effect will be evident on the Fukushima fish and will spread to the world’s oceans.”

Mr. Sawai expressed that TEPCO discloses the concentration of tritium in the sea water in front of the nuclear power plant every day, “in a word, like a fraudster.”

He continued, “It was not immediately after the discharge of the contaminated water that the radioactive material was concentrated,” he said.

In addition, “The Japan Fisheries Agency said they would see how much tritium concentration is in fish, but once a problem occurs, sea water is contaminated, seaweed is contaminated, and fish are contaminated by the sequential food chain that eats the seaweed.” It makes no sense to catch the fish later and say there is no problem. Moreover, if something like tritium is detected in the fish, it is already too late.”

Mr. Goto also emphasized, “It is meaningful to publish tritium concentration data after dilution, but that does not mean that safety has been secured.” “No matter how diluted it is, it has no choice but to affect the environment,” he said. “The absolute amount of tritium is important. I don’t even know what the absolute amount is, but the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power are only promoting the concentration. This is a scientifically strange idea,” he pointed out. .

Lastly, Mr. Goto pointed out the dangers of nuclear power itself, and ultimately insisted on finding alternative energy other than nuclear power.

He said, “As with Korean nuclear power plants, even if nuclear power plants use containment containers and cover them with concrete, it is impossible to completely shield radioactivity and ‘complete safety’ cannot be secured.” As a matter of fact, we need to switch energy sources to renewable energy,” he said.  

Mr. Sawai said, “The government says that contaminated water will be discharged for 30 or 40 years, but in 10 years, few people will know the meaning of this incident. I will try not to forget the problem of discharge of contaminated water.

” “Although the discharge has begun, many Japanese citizens think that it cannot continue like this,” he said. In addition, Miyagi Prefecture (an area where contaminated water flows into the sea),

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