Han Kwang-seong, the ‘people’s Ronaldo’ who joined Juventus, appears to have returned to North Korea

It was discovered that North Korean soccer player 카지노Han Kwang-sung, who played in the Italian professional soccer league Serie A, returned to North Korea in the middle of last month.

On the 14th, Radio Free Asia (RFA) quoted Marco Bagozzi, a known North Korean sports expert, and reported that it was confirmed that Han Kwang-song left Italy in mid-August.

RFA then reported, “In addition, Han Kwang-seong’s social networking service, Facebook Messenger, has also been shut down for use since mid-August.”

In addition, RFA quoted another source who requested anonymity and stated that Han Gwang-sung returned to North Korea with North Korean residents after leaving for Beijing in the middle of last month.

It is believed that Han Gwang-seong was included when North Korea’s state-run airline Air Koryo returned with about 200 North Korean residents on the 22nd of last month, three years and seven months after the border between North Korea and China was blocked.

Meanwhile, Han Kwang-seong attracted attention by scoring a goal in Serie A, the first division of Italian football, wearing a Cagliari uniform in 2017, and then transferred to the prestigious Juventus.

However, due to North Korea’s development of nuclear missiles, the international community’s sanctions against North Korea were strengthened, making it impossible for him to play on overseas stages.

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