“I’ll pay for it once.” National shortstop’s conviction predicted the restoration of honor in the last year of the FA’s four years

Oh Jae-il (38) of the Samsung Lions aims to rebound in the final year of the FA. The head coach also feels good. 고소득알바

The end of his four-year contract has come. Oh Jae-il made a fresh start by signing a four-year FA contract worth a total of 5 billion won with Samsung ahead of the 2021 season.

He had a good first season. He had a batting average of 0.285 with 25 homers and 97 RBIs in 120 games with an OPS of 0.878. Thanks to his stellar performance, Samsung has advanced to the postseason for the first time in six years since 2015.

He performed well in the 2022 season as well. He posted a batting average of 0.268 with 21 homers and 94 RBIs in 135 games, with an OPS of 0.837 in total.

However, the previous season was regrettable. He started the game ambitious with the captain’s armband, but posted a career low after moving to Samsung with a batting average of 0.203 with 11 homers and 54 RBIs in 106 games. One of the reasons for the decline in performance was injury. He suffered a hamstring injury while running at full speed.

This year, he plans to put “health” first. And he is determined to make up for his sluggishness.

First of all, I have changed my body. Oh’s face tells me that he lost weight. Although he didn’t lose much weight, his jawline is back to life. “I feel much lighter.” I will aim to play more than 130 games without any injury.

The head coach who saw Oh Jae-il’s training also nodded.

Coach Park Jin-man said, “I’ve been improving my condition and watching him train since last winter, but I think I felt a lot as a veteran because both the team and the individual did not have good results. Seeing him prepare throughout the winter made me believe that I will give him one work this year. He prepared well during the camp period and finished well without any injuries. I hope he can show his changed performance through exhibition games.”

Oh had one hit from three times at bat in the exhibition game against the Hanwha Eagles on Tuesday local time. At his last batter’s box, he hit a big double over the center fielder’s height. He started warming up in earnest.

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