“My heart is already in the soybean field…” Repeating the ‘hard-hitting National Assembly inspection’ ahead of the general election

The last audit of the 21st National Assembly virtually ended last Friday, except for some concurrent standing committees.

However, as the attention of the ruling and opposition party lawmakers is focused more on nominations and internal conflicts within the party, it is pointed out that the ‘hard national inspection’ before the general election has been repeated this time.

Reporter Park Gwang-ryeol reports.

[Park Yong-jin / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (2018 National Assembly Audit): With the kindergarten’s school fees, I bought the kindergarten director’s handbag, used it for karaoke and lodging, and even bought supplies at an adult store.] [Yoo Min-bong / At the time, Liberty Korea

Party Representative (2018 National Assembly Audit): Suspicions of preferential treatment and unfairness in the process of converting non-regular workers at the Seoul Transportation Corporation to regular workers have already left the Corporation’s hands.] The emergence of such ‘national inspection

stars’ was nowhere to be found this year. .

Instead, what caught my eye was the empty seats all over the National Assembly Auditorium,

and Go Seong and Makmal, regular customers of the National Assembly Inspection, also appeared without fail, raising eyebrows.

[Lee Soo-jin / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea: (The Yoon Seok-yeol government) is beating up workers behind the scenes… .]

[Ija Lim / Representative of the People’s Power Party: When did you hit me?]

[Sujin Lee / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea: Listen to me. Listen, please. Be polite! What is the attitude of the ruling party secretary]

[Lim Ja / People Power Party Representative: When did President Yoon Seok-yeol… .]

[Lee Soo-jin / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea: Don’t do things like that!]

[Ija Lim / People Power Party Representative: Use force according to logic!]

The biggest reason for the ‘poor national inspection’, the first general election, which is less than half a year away. It can be counted on one’s fingers.

It is said that both the ruling and opposition parties put more effort into the so-called ‘general election offensive’ tailored to the tastes of the supporters and the struggle for political leadership.

Conflicts in the form of proxy wars between the former and current administrations are occurring frequently, and

[Jeong Dong-man / People Power Party member (last 19th): I am amazed at how they have so thoroughly deceived the people. The Moon Jae-in administration’s manipulation of statistics that distorted the market must be punished.]

[Cho Oh-seop / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (last 19th): Audit is only the data investigation stage to determine guilt… . An audit that is made public as if a judge is making a decision is bound to be a politically targeted audit… . Thank you for embarrassing me… .]

This is why a fierce battle unfolded where neither side took a single step back.

[Kim Byeong-ju / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (Last 10th / Secretary of the opposition party of the National Assembly’s National Defense Committee): The public still cannot understand Minister Shin Won-sik’s harsh words.] [Seong Il-jong / Representative of the People’s Power Party (Last 10th / Secretary of the ruling party of the National Assembly’s National Defense Committee

) No. , Why are you only talking about the opposition party? There is also a person굿모닝토토 who abused his sister-in-law while being mayor of Seongnam.]

[Kim Byeong-ju / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (last 10th / Secretary of the opposition party of the National Assembly National Defense Committee): Why does that appear here? That is not something to talk about.]

Here, the change in the geography of Yeouido before and after the National Assembly inspection added fuel to the ‘poor National Assembly inspection.’

As the theory of responsibility for the crushing defeat in the by-election for the head of Gangseo-gu in Seoul exploded, the People Power Party and the

Democratic Party, which attracted more attention for corrective measures, also had to focus on cracking down on pro- and non-famous families as the aftermath of the passage of the arrest plan for Lee Jae-myeong continued.

The main opposition party’s policy of not reflecting the performance of the National Assembly inspection in next year’s nominations was also decided, and the decisive blow disappeared from the National Assembly inspection, which is called ‘the time of the opposition party,’ and only harsh evaluations of each other remained.

[Yoon Jae-ok / People Power Party Floor Leader: There are absurd political attacks, so there are some regrets because the National Assembly inspection is not something our party can do alone.] [Hong Ik-pyo / Democratic Party of Korea Floor Leader (last 13th)

: 2 years in power “The government that consistently blames all problems on the previous government and the ruling party that protects the government’s wrongdoing continue to repeat itself.” In fact, this state administration began with the expectation that it would be the first stage to properly evaluate the Yoon Seok-yeol government

. Thank you.

There are many voices saying that this will be recorded as a battle that is more powerless than ever as it repeats political strife while losing its original purpose of ‘checking and monitoring the executive branch.’ This is YTN’s Park Gwang-ryeol. Camera reporter: Lee Seong-mo and Han Sang-won Video editor: Kim Hee-jeong Graphics :

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