Taegeuk mark before you. “You’re my role model”

Welcome to the 2023 Baseball Softball Night Awards ceremony held on July 18. It was Kiwoom Heroes pitcher Lee Myung-jong (21). What brought him to the festival of amateur baseball players? “I’m here to congratulate my brother,” Lee said.

Lee Ye-rin, 19, Dankook University’s younger brother, is a softball player and received the “Excellent Player Award” in the women’s university category at the award ceremony. Lee was selected as the winner of this year’s three competitions, including the national softball competition and the presidential competition, with an outstanding performance of seven wins and one loss with a 2.26 ERA in nine games. When asked by a reporter if he was proud of his younger brother’s award, Lee said, “I’m used to it because I’ve been to many award ceremonies.”

Lee Ye-rin started playing baseball following her brother and turned to softball in middle school, and swept various award ceremonies by displaying extraordinary athleticism and talent. Starting with the home run award at the 2018 presidential national competition, Lee mainly received the best player award and best pitcher award at the three competitions held this year. She has received 13 individual awards at national competitions over the past five years. “I’m used to award ceremonies,” Lee said.

In September, he was selected for the national softball team for the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games. In his first international adult competition, Lee had two wins and an unbeaten ERA of 1.11 in three matches. Notably, he pitched well with one run in four innings and led his team to an 11-1 run-a-head game (cold game in baseball) against Hong Kong on Sept. 29, completing his successful debut.

“I played my first international competition without much tension. My brother helped me a lot. I get advice from my brother a lot,” said Lee. “I put the national flag on my chest. Don’t be overconfident and do your best.” 랭크카지노

Lee Myung-jong also dreamed of joining the national team as a baseball player. However, his younger brother experienced it first for the national team. Still, Lee said strongly, “You are my role model.” Lee said, “You are an incredible hard worker. I have seen you take the mound many times despite arm pain and throw balls without shaking. I want to learn mental skills from you on the mound.”

As much as he has been receiving a lot of help from his brother, he is now the younger brother who wants to be a big help to him. “I really appreciate you for taking good care of me,” Lee Ye-rin said, adding, “I really hope you do well. I hope you will show greater performance next year.”

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