A 20-year-old surfing in the stormy weather report, swept away by the waves… Coast Guard saved

Yesterday evening, a 20-year-old was swept 토토사이트away by the waves while surfing in the sea off Sokcho, Gangwon-do. A storm warning was issued and the waves were strong, making it a dangerous situation. Coast Guard jumped into the sea and rescued the drifters.

This is reporter Choi Soo-yeon.


A coast guard in a wetsuit jumps into the sea.

Reach the rescuer against the crashing waves.

Mr. A, in his 20s, was drifting while surfing in the sea off Sokcho, Gangwon-do, at 6:00 pm yesterday.

The Coast Guard arrived on the scene within 6 minutes of receiving the report.

The rescue team found Mr. A about 30m away from the tetraport.

The two coast guards approached Mr. A and rescued him.

At that time, a storm warning was in effect and the waves were rising more than 4m.

[Park Jong-bin/Sokcho Maritime Police Department Public Relations Director: If the waves continued to push and pushed towards the tetrapod, I think it was a dizzying situation that could lead to another accident that could lead to a life-threatening accident.]

Mr. lost

It is said that Mr. A was pushed by the waves and drifted while surfing with 5 people in his party.

The Sokcho Coast Guard asked people to refrain from water leisure activities such as surfing when the weather is bad.

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