A person in his 20s donated 1.1 billion won anonymously “thanks to the national scholarship”… Additional donations of 100 million won per month

A young man in his 20s who was able to graduate from college with the help of national scholarships anonymously donated 1.1 billion won to the Korea Scholarship Foundation토토사이트, making it a hot topic.

According to the Korea Scholarship Foundation on the 26th, Mr. A, a young man in his 20s, donated the largest amount as a young donor since the foundation was established in 2009, and it is the second largest individual donation ever.

In addition, Mr. A promised to donate an additional 100 million won every month in the future and requested that his identity not be disclosed to the outside world.

He is said to have refused to issue any receipts for donations that would allow him to receive tax benefits.

Mr. A told the foundation, “I had financial difficulties when I was a college student, but I was able to complete my studies safely with help from the government, such as national scholarships and student loans from the Korea Scholarship Foundation. I hope that this donation will create a world where people can breathe freely.” It is known that he also conveyed the meaning of “I hope so.”

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