Coach Jung Jae-hoon’s mindset, preparing for a 100-fold victory, “We must win the match against Japan unconditionally.”

“Because it is a Korea-Japan match, we have to win unconditionally. We have to win at all costs.”

The university team, led by head coach Jeong Jae-hoon, will hold a Korea-Japan college selection basketball tournament from the upcoming 19th. As this is the first tournament to be held in four years, I am practicing to the best of my ability.

Coach Jeong said, “I started training on the 8th of last month. At that time, 24 players were trained. We met every weekend. And on the 29th, the final 12 people were selected. I looked back on the training process, saying, “I looked at the talent of the players and focused on getting their hands and feet in sync.”

He continued, “From last week, we had practice matches. Last Friday, we played a practice game against Korea University, and on Saturday, we played a practice game against Yonsei University. Regardless of the win or loss, I checked the synergy with the players’ hands and feet. It’s still lacking, but it’s an improvement process.”

“The key is now. We will have a practice game this weekend. Since the main game will be held at the Yonsei University Gymnasium, we will play practice matches mainly with Yonsei University. And from the 16th, we will go through the final inspection through camp training. Through the practice game to be played on the weekend, we are trying to find the best players and set up a composition,” he explained the practice plan as well.

I train every weekend, but it’s not enough time to get my hands and feet aligned. Coach Jeong also said, “In fact, the players are in the middle of the season and there is not much time to train. That’s why I focus on putting my hands and feet together rather than details. And the basics and defense are the most emphasized. As they are originally good players, they are adapting quickly,” he said, emphasizing basic skills and defense.

Also, “I think the current process is also a process to unite college players, and it is a big burden since it has been held for the first time in a while. However, since it is a Korea-Japan match, we must win unconditionally. We have to win at any cost.”카지노사이트

In this national team, players representing each university, such as Moon Jeong-hyeon, Yugi-sang, Park Moo-bin, Lee Ju-young, Lee Gyu-tae, Yang Jun, Park Jong-ha, and Kim Tae-hoon, gathered. When asked about the key players, coach Jung said, “Still, I gather good players and do well. Among them, (Moon) Jung-hyeon, (Yu) Ki-sang, (Park) Moo-bin, and (Lee) Joo-young know basketball well. So I will focus on four players.”

Also, the center players were expected to fight hard. Coach Jeong said, “You shouldn’t be pushed back in the height fight. Rumor has it that mixed-race players could come out of Japan. We are preparing for that part. (Yang) Jun, (Lee) Kyu-tae, and (Lee) Kang-hyeon have to play their roles.”

Lastly, “In the past, we went to Japan and won. But it’s not a tournament we can win with one side. Japan is also fast-paced and well-organized. We have to use all we have and do our best,” he concluded the interview.

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