“I nag you after losing your job”… Husband murders wife with whom he had been together for 20 years

The court sentenced a husband to a heavy sentence for killing his wife of 20토토사이트 years because he was angry at her for nagging him about his inactive lifestyle after losing his job.

The Ulsan District Court’s 11th Criminal Division (Director Lee Dae-ro) announced on the 25th that it sentenced Mr. A, in his 40s, to 17 years in prison after being tried on charges of murder.

Mr. A was put on trial on charges of assaulting his wife, Mr. B, and strangling her to death next to a road in Ulsan on the morning of June this year.

Mr. A, who had been unemployed for several months, was dissatisfied after hearing his wife, who usually works, scold him, “Why aren’t you engaging in economic activities?”

On the day of the incident, Mr. A was traveling with his wife in the car to do housework. When he heard her nagging him about her lifestyle, etc., he stopped the car on the side of the road, got into an argument, and became enraged and committed the crime. Person A immediately surrendered himself to the police.

The court said, “Looking at the conversation between the couple on the day of the incident, although they were dissatisfied with each other, it seems that the wife wanted the husband to open up his true feelings and continue a smooth marital life,” adding, “Nevertheless, the defendant could not hold back his momentary anger and stayed together for about 20 years. He stated the reason for the sentence, saying, “I caused the death of my spouse who was with me.”

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