Looking at real estate loans, ‘the king of insolvency’… The beneficiaries of the ‘don’t ask loan’ are former employees

The reason why Saemaul Geumgo is concerned about a bank run is because of poor real estate loans. Some local safes have lent money close to three times the value of the collateral and have been closed because they have not been returned. The person in charge of the loan gave out a ‘don’t ask’ loan without even visiting the site, but our reporters found out that the business owner who received the loan was a former employee of Saemaul Geumgo.

Reporter Jeong Hee-yoon covered the story.


Dongbu Saemaul Geumgo in Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do, loaned three times the land price to a rural housing complex operator in Gapyeong, but did not get it back.

In the end, it was decided to merge it into another nearby Saemaul Geumgo.

It was controversial because the loan officer approved the loan without even visiting the site, but the reporters secured new testimony about the identity of the operator.

[Dongbu Saemaul Geumgo official/ : They were employees of a nearby Saemaul Geumgo, so they knew each other’s faces.] The

business operator was an employee of another local safe in the neighborhood, and he was also acquainted with the person in charge of loans.

This is a luxury rural housing complex in Gapyeong that was being built by a former Saemaul Geumgo employee with a loan of 60 billion won.

There are houses that have been built토토사이트, and there are places where only the land is selected like this.

The Dongbu Bank employee gave the loan without even conducting a site visit.

However, there were no checks when these sham loans went out.

Surveillance was also lax.

When the insolvency broke out and the door was closed, the Saemaul Geumgo Federation belatedly reported the people involved in the loan to the police.

Saemaul Geumgo has provided many loans not only for this place but also for other real estate development projects.

However, it is pointed out that it is questionable whether the business feasibility, the borrower’s income, and credit rating were properly evaluated.

This is because in many cases, when one local bank gave out a loan to a development project, dozens of other places flocked to it and provided a joint loan.

[Seok Byeong-hoon/Professor of Economics at Ewha Womans University: The review is actually conducted at only one place out of 10, and due to the practice of joint loans, in fact, the loan delinquency rate has risen because the loan review has not been properly conducted.

] It is pointed out that screening should be strengthened and loans should be monitored from time to time at the central association level.

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