Posting a supercar and pretending to be a ‘stock master’… 8 years in prison for ‘Injumma’ who ripped off 16 billion won

A prison sentence has been confirmed for a woman in her 30s who pretended to be a “stock investment expert” and collected investors and stole 16 billion won.

According to News 1 on the 28th, the second division of the Supreme Court (Presiding Judge Chun Dae-yeop) confirmed the lower court sentenced to 8 years in prison in the appeal trial of Mr. Lee, who was charged with fraud under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Economic Crimes.

Since March 2015, Mr. Lee has posted photos of fabricated stock balance certificates, stock income certificates, luxury goods, and supercars on Instagram, pretending to be a stock온라인카지노 master and ‘stock master’, ‘stock master’ and ‘scalping’. (Danta) Gosu’ and has 26,000 followers on Instagram.

She swindled 16 billion won from 44 people by defrauding victims who believed that she was a stock trader, saying, “If you leave money, you will receive a fixed monthly profit of 7-10% and return the principal at any time.” .

She was also accused of defrauding 3.3 million won in tuition fees from 154 victims who wanted to take stock lectures without the intention or ability to teach them how to earn money from stock trading.

The first and second trial courts sentenced him to 8 years in prison one after another. The judge said, “They deceived the victims by creating false data as if they had excellent stock investment skills.” do,” he said.

“We took into account the fact that many victims plead for strict punishment and the fact that the accused denied the crime and did not sincerely reflect,” the ruling said.

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