‘Real rainy season’ is coming… Metropolitan area up to 250 mm for two days from today

The monsoon rain, which showed a lull for the day, started pouring again from the 13th. Heavy rain of up to 250mm is expected in the metropolitan area, including Seoul토토사이트, for two days. A long east-west static front is expected to continue until the second half of next week, requiring special attention to flooding and landslides.

The Korea Meteorological Administration announced in an occasional briefing on the 12th, “A typical stagnant front in which air with different properties collides from the south to the north will develop and a strong rain cloud belt will be formed.” This is because a mass of cold, dry air driven by the Tibetan high pressure that developed from the northwest of the Korean Peninsula from the afternoon of the 13th, and the North Pacific high pressure rising from the south and the warm and moist air brought by the monsoon high pressure met and competed for power.

The Korea Meteorological Administration predicted that a typical monsoon rain would fall in the area where the congestion front stays for a long time, as the congestion front, which is long from east to west and narrow from north to south, moves up and down at a slow pace from north to south in the central region. At the beginning of this monsoon season, mesoscale convection caused by low pressure or extreme atmospheric instability developed on the stagnant front developed, and it is different from the rain showers that poured into a small area.

This rain is expected to start in the west at dawn on the 13th and spread throughout the country in the morning. The expected precipitation for two days from the 13th is up to 250mm in the metropolitan area and up to 200mm in the inland Gangwon and northern Chungcheong. 50 to 100 mm of rain is expected in other areas.

In particular, in the central region, where precipitation is expected to be concentrated from the afternoon of the 13th to the 14th, strong rain of 30 to 80 mm per hour is expected to be accompanied by gusts and lightning. It is not expected to be the extreme heavy rain level of more than 140 mm per hour that hit Seoul last August, but Park Jeong-min, a forecast analyst at the Korea Meteorological Administration, said, “If the southward movement of the rain cloud belt is stagnant, more rain than expected may come.” This congestion front will move southward after the 18th, and it is expected that monsoon rain will spread throughout the country until around the 20th.

Analyst Park said, “The position of the congestion front changes depending on the strength and phase of the two air masses, so even a slight change in the position of the front line can change the area where it rains.” . In addition, he urged caution, saying, “Recently, strong and heavy rains have occurred frequently, and the ground in many areas has weakened, so even a small amount of rain can cause safety accidents.”

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