Sillim-dong sexual assault victim dies… Police review allegations of rape and murder

 A victim of sexual assault on a hiking trail in Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul died two days after the incident.

The police said that Mr. A, who was sexually assaulted by the suspect, Mr. Choi (30), died at 3:40 pm on the 19th.

It has been 20 minutes since the interrogation of the suspect (warrant review) before Choi’s arrest, which started at 2:30 pm on the same day, was over.

Mr. Choi said, “I’m sorry. I wish you a speedy recovery” 토토사이트as he left the Gwanak Police Station in Seoul to attend the warrant review.

On the morning of the 17th, Mr. A was assaulted with a weapon by Choi on a hiking trail in a hill connected to a park in Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, and was admitted to the emergency intensive care unit at a university hospital in Seoul, but did not regain consciousness.

Following the death of the victim, the police plan to change the charges of rape, etc., to charges of rape, etc.

The police plan to intensively investigate whether Choi had the intention to kill Mr. A at the time of the crime and whether he assaulted him while knowing that he could die.

If he had intent to kill or perceived that he could die, charges of murder, including rape, would apply. If it is judged that the death could not be predicted, only the responsibility for the death is acknowledged, and rape, etc.

Under the Punishment of Sexual Violence Act, the crime of rape, etc. is ‘life imprisonment or imprisonment for more than 10 years’, and the statutory penalty is the same as the crime of injury such as rape. On the other hand, rape and murder are punishable only by death or life imprisonment.

A police official said, “We will further investigate with weight on proving Choi’s intentional murder.”

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