“That phone doesn’t work”… Why Son Heung-min rejected a fan’s request for a selfie

Son Heung-min’s polite ‘iPhone selfie’ rejection video소닉카지노 is becoming a hot topic.

A video published by the British media ‘Sports Bible’ saying, “Tottenham Hotspur striker Son Heung-min was unable to take selfies with fans due to strict contract regulations” is spreading online.

Son Heung-min, who is currently called up to the Korean national team, is making time to meet fans despite his busy A-match schedule.

In a video shared on social media, a female fan handed her her iPhone and asked to take a picture with her. After checking her model, Son Heung-min put her hands together and made an embarrassed expression.

After a while, the fan held up his iPhone and took a picture with Son Heung-min.

The reason why we politely asked for your understanding is because Son Heung-min is the brand ambassador for Samsung Electronics Galaxy, so he could not hold the ‘iPhone’ in person.

In the selfie requested by another fan holding the Galaxy phone, he was able to provide fan service by holding the phone and pressing the photo button.

Regarding Son Heung-min’s response, the media also mentioned a case in 2012 where Brazilian superstar Ronaldinho’s contract was terminated for drinking competitor Pepsi Cola during a press conference even though he was sponsored by Coca-Cola.

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