“That’s why I’m recruiting the best FA.” There’s only one “touching action” that’s possible when you’re 2 outs… The real reason has been revealed

Fans of the LG Twins have no hesitation in signing his contract because he is the best free agent. He is an outfielder who firmly protects and dominates the wide outfield at Jamsil Baseball Stadium. Park Hae-min (34) is the heart-warming star.

There is one thing that only fans who watched Park Hae-min closely know. One small thing that only outfielders can do, and only after two outs. After two outs, he catches a ball when it hits the outfield, ends the inning, and throws the ball to fans sitting in the outfield stands. 퀸알바

This scene once drew a lot of attention last season. Park Hae-min caught an outfield fly ball with two outs at Jamsil Stadium and threw the ball to where his father and son were. He gently threw an under-toss parabola in case he gets hurt by the ball. Park then kept his eyes peeled to see if his father caught the ball until the end, and ran to the dugout.

The LG Twins players are currently busy training at the spring camp set up at Indian School Park Baseball Field in Scottsdale, Arizona. With the camp schedule already halfway around, the team plans to play a six-inning Cheongbaek match on the 25th (Korea Standard Time).

Park Hae-min, who is taking initiatives at the camp site, was a veteran himself. “When I play defense in the outdoors, I throw a ball to the deep end and when I deal with it, that’s how I do it,” Park said of his appearance. It is not easy to throw a ball to the front because it takes a long distance to throw a ball, which can cause injury. “However, after two outs, I throw a ball to the ground near the fence.”

Then, does Park just grab the ball and throw it to him? Or is he just thinking about it all in advance? The answer was the latter. “When I enter the outfield on that day, I take a look at it in advance. There is a reason. When I go outfield, I have to check where the fence is. Then the audience comes into view,” Park said.

“But since I gave birth to a baby, more parents and family members who came with the baby have caught my eyes since then. So if I see a parent or baby who came with the baby, I’m going to throw it to him,” he said, explaining the real reason.

If you are a child fan who really wants to get a baseball from Park Hae-min, can you just sit in front of the stand in Jamsil Baseball Stadium? Maybe it was just one baseball that was thrown casually to him, but dads and sons who received it may live with that memory forever. Park Hae-min, who is showing off top-notch skills in the KBO league in ball, water, and state, is also complimenting him, saying, “He is the best recruitment of FA.”

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