“The sound of banging continues for 30 minutes”… U.S. ‘super fog’ causes 168 vehicle collisions

 The number of vehicles damaged and casualties in a serial collision accident that occurred in Louisiana, USA on the 23rd (local time) increased in one day. According to the Louisiana State Police on the 25th , at least 168 vehicles were damaged in a collision that occurred on

Interstate 55 (I- 55 ) in the ‘St. John the Baptist Parish’ area, northwest of New Orleans. The death toll was confirmed to be 8 and the number of injured was 63.

The figures previously announced on the day of the accident were 158 damaged vehicles, 7 dead, and 25 injured.

Authorities said that all vehicles at the scene of the accident have been towed away, and Road Traffic Bureau employees are working to clean up the wreckage, fuel, and chemicals from the vehicles.

According to the Associated Press, the police said at an on-site briefing the day before that the accident began before 9 a.m. on the 23rd, and that a series of collisions occurred on a 1-mile (1.6 km) section of the highway.

The main culprit that caused the multiple collisions was identified as ‘Super Fog’.

According to local newspaper the New Orleans Advocate, accident victim Clarencia Patterson Reed, 46, said there was thick fog on I-55 that morning.

He said that at the time of the accident, he barely stopped by hitting the brakes before hitting the car directly in front of her, but several cars behind her began to hit his car one after another.

He recalled the time of the accident, saying, “There was a bang, a bang,” and “I could only hear the crashing sound for at least 30 minutes.”

He barely managed to get out of her car, but his wife, Lisa Patterson Reed, 56, was trapped inside her car and suffered injuries to her side and legs.

She said she came outside and saw two large trailer trucks ahead of her on fire.

Another victim, Christopher Cole (41), also reported a similar experience.

At the time of the accident, he was driving his truck in thick fog on I-55 when he saw a pile of vehicles in front of him and quickly applied the brakes.

However, the pickup truck behind him hit the trailer of his car, and the impact caused it to crash into a pile of cars in front.

He said he had to kick open the passenger door to escape from the car, and said, “The acrid smell of smoke and the smell of radiator coolant leaking from the car filled the air.”

He added that he heard other victims screaming for help, followed by a crash and the sound of a tire exploding.

Fortunately, he was not injured, but his car was completely destroyed온라인카지노. “It was absolutely horrible. It was the worst accident I’ve ever seen,” he said.

According to CNN, meteorologists explain that super fog occurs when moisture and smoke mix, which can reduce visibility to less than 10 feet (about 3 meters).

It was estimated that on the morning of the accident, the fog was particularly thick and visibility was likely close to zero.

The area where the accident occurred is an area with frequent morning fog across a large lake connected to the sea, and it was analyzed that ‘super fog’ was formed by combining with smoke from a recent fire in the nearby area.

Louisiana has been suffering from wildfires and droughts due to unusually high temperatures and dry weather starting this summer due to the effects of climate change.

CNN reported that severe drought continues across 62% of Louisiana and that authorities are continuing to monitor fires continuing to burn under wetlands in New Orleans, close to the accident site.

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