Why is there an armored car at Gangnam Station in Seoul? Police Special Forces policing activities

After the government announced that it would안전놀이터 conduct special security activities in response to a series of riots and possession of weapons, police special forces and armored vehicles armed with heavy weapons were spotted in downtown Seoul.

In the middle of the night on the 4th, 10 police special forces armored vehicles were deployed in major downtown areas such as Gangnam Station in Seoul.

If you look at the Gangnam Station intersection shooting screen, you can see a police special forces armored vehicle with a black iron plate.

Next to the armored vehicle, a special police force with an automatic rifle is on guard duty.

The place where the armored car is standing is on the side of the safety zone in the middle of the road from the intersection of Gangnam Station to the Han River.

Regarding the mobilization of not only armed police special forces but also armored vehicles, the National Police Agency explained that it was to suppress the criminal atmosphere.

The National Police Agency argued that “if 10 tactical armored vehicles are deployed in the urban multi-use facility area, it will be possible to completely subdue the criminal atmosphere in the early stages.”

Earlier, on the 4th, the National Police Agency announced its special security activity policy and deployed 127 police special forces armed with firearms in 15 areas nationwide, including areas where a murder notice came out and multi-use facilities.

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