Wife in her 40s who engaged in massage prostitution falsely accused her husband of “sexual assault” when she was caught… prison sentence

A woman in her 40s who falsely accused her of being sexually assaulted when her spouse found out that she had engaged in prostitution at a massage parlor was sentenced to probation먹튀검증.

According to the legal community on the 17th, Chief Judge Kang Min-ho of the 10th Criminal Division of the Seoul Central District Court sentenced Mr. Hwang (41), who was indicted on charges of false accusation, to eight months in prison and two years of probation and ordered him to perform 80 hours of community service.

In December of last year, Mr. Hwang filed a complaint with the police, saying, ‘The man who was receiving a massage sexually assaulted me.’ However, as a result of the investigation, it was revealed that Ms. Hwang had made a false complaint after engaging in consensual prostitution with the man in question.

At the first trial held last July, when asked, “What on earth did you think of making a false accusation?”, Hwang explained, “It was because her husband found out that we had an affair, so I tried to hide it.”

When the court reprimanded him, saying, “There may be a situation where the defendant has to spend several years in prison to maintain the defendant’s marriage,” Hwang responded, “I’m sorry.”

Mr. Hwang said, “At that time, I did it because I was just afraid,” and “I thought he wouldn’t be punished because he didn’t do anything wrong.”

The court said, “In the case of a false accusation of a sexual crime, the nature of the crime is not good in that it is difficult for the accused to defend himself due to the lack of evidence other than the statement of the person involved,” but added, “The fact that the accused confessed to the crime, the accused does not want to be punished, etc. He explained the reason for sentencing, saying, “I took this into consideration.”

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