“Working from 9 to 5 is crazy”… Newcomers in their 20s in the U.S. who are having a lot of luck on TikTok

A video posted by a woman new to the American workforce who experienced the so-called ‘9 to 5’ work system , which involves working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, is becoming a hot topic. Many netizens left messages of support in response to the woman’s complaint that she was unable to do anything because she was tired after work.

According to TikTok on the 26th, ‘Brielle’, an American female TikToker in her 20s with about 120,000 followers, uploaded a video titled ‘How do we find time for our lives in a 9 to 5 work system’ on the 19th (local time). raised.

Brielle has just graduated from college and this is her first job. In her video, Brielle was even seen in tears as she opened up about the hardships she faces due to her ‘9 to 5’ work schedule. The ‘9 to 5’ work system is the typical office work schedule in the United States.

Brielle said she “can’t afford to live downtown, so I commute into the city온라인카지노 from outside the city center, and it takes a really long time to get to work.” “She leaves home at 7:30 a.m. to go to work, and she doesn’t get home from work until 6:15 p.m.,” she continued.

“She doesn’t have time to do anything after work,” she confessed. He said, “I don’t have the time or energy to exercise, and I’m so stressed. When I get home, all I want to do is take a shower, eat dinner, and sleep.” She continued, “Working 9 to 5 is crazy. “I wonder how other people meet friends and go on dates,” she said with tears in her eyes.

Young Americans who watched the video generally sympathized with Brielle’s hardships and cheered her on. One netizen said, “You are not strange. “This is why the four-day week system must be implemented,” he said, expressing support for the four-day week system. Other netizens also commented, “I was under extreme stress when I was a freshman,” and “The 40-hour workweek system is now outdated. Comments such as “Your argument is valid” were left.

The video currently has over 2 million views and 17,000 comments. Brielle’s TikTok video and her netizens’ reactions are also being covered by some foreign media.

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