Complaint from prison… The sender is a ‘police acid terrorist’

A woman in her 40s who committed a ‘sulfuric acid attack’ on a police officer at Gwanak Police Station in 2016 filed a complaint against the head of the detective agency she had stalked while imprisoned. This woman has been sentenced to prison after her police officer threw sulfuric acid in her face because he refused to contact her.

After her release from prison, she went to a detective agency and asked the police officer to assault and kidnap her, but she was rejected. This time, she stalked the detective for about 5 months and was sentenced to prison again. received. Afterwards, while she was incarcerated in prison, she filed a complaint, saying, “She only received the fee for the detective and did not do the work,” and when the case was dismissed, she was found to have even filed an appeal.

Her victim says she is concerned about ‘secondary retaliation after her release from prison’ and appeals for an urgent institutional mechanism to prevent this.

Complaint sent by the ‘Sulfuric Acid Terrorist’… I reject you, so please file an objection.

According to CBS Nocut News coverage on the 12th , the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors’ Office recently decided to dismiss the case in which a woman in her 40s, named Jeon, sued the head of the detective agency, Mr. A, on charges of fraud, false accusation, and perjury. Mr. Jeon sued Mr. A on the same charge in September of last year, but the police reportedly dismissed it as an ‘unreasonable complaint.’ Then, it was discovered that Mr. Jeon filed an objection in July of this year. However, the prosecution also decided to dismiss the case again, saying, “It is clear that there are no charges.”

It is reported that Ms. Jeon submitted her complaint to the effect that Mr. A received the fee for her request and did not handle her actual work. The case requested by Jeon was that she asked to assault and kidnap Mr. B, a police officer who had carried out a sulfuric acid attack in the past.

In April 2016, Mr. Jeon carried out a sulfuric acid attack on Mr. B, a police officer at Gwanak Police Station. He sprinkled sulfuric acid from a thermos onto Mr. B’s face, causing third-degree burns. It was investigated that Mr. Jeon committed the crime because Mr. B did not receive his contacts.

Ms. Jeon first met Mr. B, who was in charge of her, while she was filing a complaint with the police for another case. However, it was investigated that she continued to contact Mr. B with events or content unrelated to him, and when he could not be contacted afterward, she threw sulfuric acid on him. Ms. Jeon was indicted in this case, and she was sentenced to four years in prison by the Supreme Court in August 2017.

Afterwards, in January 2018, while Ms. Jeon was in prison, she made threats to Mr. B and her family, and she was sentenced to prison. He was sentenced to another 10 months in prison after sending a letter saying, “If you do not bring 1 billion won in compensation, I will not leave you alone after you are released.”

“I’m stalking you because I refuse to be kidnapped by the police… I’m scared of being released.”

After completing his sentence, Mr. Jeon visited Mr. A, who runs a detective agency, in March 2021. The purpose was to request assault and kidnapping of Mr. B.

Mr. A said, “Mr. Jeon came to me and said, ‘I was the victim of a sexual crime by police officer B.’ The request was to confine him and assault him to get a confession.” He continued, “I asked him to find out the personal information of Mr. B’s family,” and “I refused because I cannot accept such a request.”

Then, from May to September of that year, Mr. Jeon sent text messages to Mr. A about 20 times asking him to accept the request. Mr. Jeon was also found to have sent a message saying, “Mr. ○○, are you doing well? If you are having a hard time, beat (Mr. B) until he confesses and record it. I will go to jail instead.”

When Mr. A did not respond, from October온라인카지노 of the same year to March of the following year, Mr. Jeon heard a voice saying, “If you do that, do you know what will happen to your face (like Mr. B)? I am a scary woman. Once I bite you, I will not let you go. Be prepared.” He stalked me 70 times, including leaving messages.

When Mr. A blocked the contact, Mr. Jeon tried to contact him from another number or even came to the office in person. Mr. A said, “I was working outside at the time, so I didn’t encounter him, but the moment I heard that he had come to my office, I got goosebumps all over my body. I was so anxious that I too would be attacked by sulfuric acid, so I immediately closed the office door and hid in another area for a year. “he said.

In the end, Mr. A reported Mr. Jeon to the police, and the prosecution indicted Mr. A. In September of last year, the first trial court sentenced him to 2 years and 6 years in prison, saying, “The defendant caused considerable anxiety and fear in the victim by committing a stalking crime that continued for a considerable period of time.” sentenced. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal and the original judgment was confirmed in May of this year.

The incident seemed to have been resolved, but as Mr. Jeon recently filed a complaint against Mr. A, Mr. A is complaining of anxiety again. Mr. A said, “The resentment against me is so great that I’m thinking about filing a complaint even in prison,” and added, “I’m even considering changing my name.” He emphasized, “There is an urgent need for a device to prevent secondary retaliation by perpetrators.”

Concerns about secondary retaliation… Expert: “We should consider introducing a protective receptor system”

Currently, the police’s ‘crime victim safety measures’ are considered measures that Mr. A can take. If a person who is concerned about being a victim of crime requests it, they can receive a smart watch that can be reported, install a closed-circuit ( CC ) TV near their residence, and register their contact information in the 112 system.

According to data submitted by People Power Party lawmaker Jeon Bong-min, a member of the National Assembly Public Administration and Security Committee, from the National Police Agency, the number of safety measures implemented by the police for crime victims due to stalking crimes, such as Mr. A, increased from 1,428 in 2021 to 7,091 last year and 3,754 this year (6). calculated on a monthly basis).

However, the basic implementation period for crime victim safety measures is one month, and even if extended, it usually ends after two to three months. Therefore, experts emphasize that it is necessary to introduce a protective custody system that continues treatment rather than a correctional facility where prisoners are released. Seung Jae-hyeon, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Criminology, said, “We should consider introducing a protective detention system, not a correctional facility, for those who have a clear risk of recidivism and have no room for reform even after being released from prison. Protective detention facilities are for the purpose of treatment.” “It has to be operated,” he said.

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