Dentist Lee Soo-jin, “I always made hundreds of millions of won… but the decrease in Chinese patients is a blow.”

Sujin Lee, a dentist from Seoul National University, reported on her recent situation메이저사이트, saying that her income has decreased as the number of Chinese patients has decreased.

On the 25th, Sujin Lee uploaded a video on her YouTube channel with the title, ‘Which makes more money, tools or dentistry?’

In the video, Sujin Lee took the time to answer questions from subscribers. Su-jin Lee, who was asked, ‘Why is the dental situation difficult now?’, said, “I made a large and luxurious dental clinic in Garosu-gil,” and “I wanted to make it the largest in Korea, the first in Korea, the first in the world, and the first in history.” “He said.

Lee Soo-jin said, “But the number of Chinese patients suddenly decreased, and celebrities from abroad were suddenly not able to come in. There were already sanctions even before the coronavirus,” and added, “I was earning hundreds of millions of won every day, but as I was spending hundreds of millions of won, the balance between income and expenditure was broken, making it difficult. “He mentioned the situation.

Lee Soo-jin, who confessed that she does not have time to wash her hair due to her busy daily life, said, “The way you see me is a real part of me. I work really hard. I have been a practicing dentist for 23 years and a dentist for 30 years, but you always see me using tools. He also said, “My main occupation is a dentist.”

In addition, Lee Soo-jin said, “Sometimes I get confused. Is tooling my main job? Anyway, I think it’s right to just do my best in everything. I don’t even bring any tools. I apply it myself and only bring back the ones that are really good.”

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